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We've released version 3.4.0 of Meltano.

This release includes, among other things, the following changes:

  • Support for uv to manage plugin installations. See how to enable it in the Meltano documentation.
  • Support installing multiple plugins of any type. This is a QOL improvement for users who want to install multiple plugins at once. See how to use it in the Meltano documentation.

A number of bug fixes and logging improvements were also made to the Meltano CLI.


The Hub has seen some UX improvements and bug fixes, as well as the addition of new plugins:


  • Added the Stitch Data variant of tap-zuora - Hub Link
  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of tap-gohighlevel - Hub Link
  • Added the Tomas Votava variant of tap-airtable - Hub Link


  • Added the TicketSwap variant of target-redshift - Hub Link



We shipped two minor releases of the SDK:



We've released version 3.3.0 of Meltano. This release includes a few enhancements and bug fixes, including some performance improvements.



  • Added the Reuben Frankel variant of tap-f1 - Hub Link
  • Added the Ticketswap variant of tap-exact - Hub Link
  • Added the Ticketswap variant of tap-intercom - Hub Link
  • Added the kingalban variant of tap-userflow - Hub Link
  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of tap-flipkart - Hub Link
  • Added the Stitch Data variant of tap-dynamics - Hub Link
  • Added the Automattic variant of tap-appstore - Hub Link
  • Added the mjsqu variant of tap-dataverse - Hub Link
  • Added the STRV variant of tap-instantly-ai - Hub Link
  • Added the Fleetio variant of tap-fleetio - Hub Link
  • Added the Hal Ali variant of tap-playstore - Hub Link
  • Added the Chien Le variant of tap-kiotviet - Hub Link
  • Added the Matatika variant of tap-msaccess, as multiple plugins with presets for different file systems:


  • Added the Automattic variant of target-parquet - Hub Link



We shipped 2 minor releases of the SDK:


Meltano Inc. is now Arch Data Inc.

We've changed our company name to Arch (or Arch Data if you're the government)! We did this for a number of reasons, many of which we detailed in a few blog posts.

For those of you in the Meltano community we recommend you checkout this post on the Meltano blog. There's also a post on the new Arch blog which details our vision behind this new product and how we got to this point.

The TL;DR is that the Meltano project and community that you know and love aren’t going anywhere. Arch is built on top of Meltano and we can’t bring data engineering capabilities to software teams without great underlying data engineering tooling.

This also means that Meltano Cloud is also changing names to Arch. We will have a separate site and changelog for updates there while this changelog will still be used for relevant community updates around Meltano, the SDK, and the Hub.


We've released v3.2.0 of Meltano. This release includes a number of improvements and fixes including support for Python v3.12.



  • Added the Ticketswap variant of tap-delighted - Hub Link
  • Added the Ticketswap variant of tap-aircall - Hub Link
  • Added the Ticketswap variant of tap-stripe - Hub Link
  • Added the akurdyukov variant of tap-clickhouse - Hub Link
  • Added the Stitch Data variant of tap-googleads - Hub Link
  • Added the Automattic variant of tap-upwork - Hub Link
  • Added the Storebrand variant of tap-pxwebapi - Hub Link
  • Added the Storebrand variant of tap-ssb-klass - Hub Link
  • Added the Dan Norman variant of tap-stackoverflow-sampledata - Hub Link
  • Added the Pulumi variant of tap-launchdarkly - Hub Link
  • Added the Pulumi variant of tap-codecov - Hub Link
  • Added the ae-nv variant of tap-parquet - Hub Link
  • Added the Edgar Ramirez variant of tap-google-play - Hub Link
  • Added the Steve Clarke variant of tap-s3-csv - Hub Link


  • Added the Automattic variant of target-hdfs - Hub Link
  • Added the crudelis-rgb variant of target-teradata - Hub Link


  • Added a PowerBI Extension used to trigger a refresh of a dataset - Hub Link


We shipped 2 releases of the SDK:


☁️ Meltano Cloud

🏃 Run State

With Meltano Core you're able to easily manage the state of your incremental runs using the meltano state command. Most of this functionality was ported to Meltano Cloud so that you can control your runs as you see fit. If you need to clear state to run a backfill, that's as easy as meltano cloud state delete --state-id <id>. Read more about the command in our Cloud docs.

✅ SOC2 Type 1 Audit Passed

We're extremely proud to announce that we've passed our SOC2 Type 1 Audit. Read more about this milestone in our blog post.

Meltano 3.0

We released v3.0 of Meltano Core! Checkout this blog post for more details on new features and any breaking changes.

We also released the first minor release (v3.1) of Meltano 3 which includes a number of community contributions.


  • The python setting is now supported in the metadata of all connectors. This is a new feature enabled in Meltano 3.0. Checkout the docs for more information.


  • Added the danielptv variant of tap-db2 based on the SDK - Hub Link
  • Added the Meltano Labs variant of tap-salesforce based on the SDK - Hub Link
  • Added the felippecaso variant of tap-applehealth based on the SDK - Hub Link
  • Added the Matatika variant of tap-capsulecrm - Hub Link
  • Added the Meltano Labs variant of tap-bigquery - Hub Link


We shipped 1 release of the SDK:


The team has been heads down this month bringing improvements and squashing bugs to all things Meltano. Let's take a look at some of the bigger items we shipped recently!

☁️ Meltano Cloud

🚀 Automated deployments

Now when you set your deployment to track a git branch, any new commits that appear on that branch will automatically be deployed in Meltano Cloud. Previously users had to complete an additional manual step to get any new committed changes deployed.

Static deployments are still possible by referencing a particular git hash.

🚨 Custom Notifications

Cloud customers now have greater flexibility over their notifications. With the updated config CLI command, you can specify exactly how you want to receive notifications. Email and webhooks are the initially supported destinations and the payload of the notification can be filtered to exactly how you want it - failures only, successes only, or anything!

meltano cloud config notification set

➕ Add new projects from the CLI

New projects can now easily be added from the CLI to your Meltano Cloud account. This simplifies onboarding for new users as well as our power users that have 10s or 100s of projects they need to onboard.

Meltano Core

v2.20.0 of Meltano Core was released. This was mostly a bug, performance, and doc update release.


We added a "Most Popular" listing to the Extractors page. Check it out!

The Meltano Team and Community have also been busy adding new connectors and utilities to the Hub. Many of the new connectors are related to our recent blog post about how LLMs are mostly data pipelines.


  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of tap-jira - Link
  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of tap-mysql. This tap is still under active development. - Link
  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of tap-beautifulsoup - Link
  • Added the sehnem variant of tap-shopify which supports accessing data via graphql - Link


  • Added the map-gpt-embeddings mapper. This can be used to connect to OpenAI to generate embeddings for any data from an extractor - Link


  • Added the MeltanoLabs variant of target-pinecone which is a Vector Database for storing embeddings. - Link


  • Added Tableau utility which can be used to trigger a refresh of Tableu data source - Link
  • Added the dbt Artifacts utility which can be used to process dbt-generated artifacts for other use cases such as model lineage - Link


We shipped 2 releases of the SDK:

Highlights include:

  • Improved connection handling in SQL targets by sharing a connector instance among stream sinks
  • Expose builtin add_record_metadata and batch_config target settings